Archdiocese Update – Level 4 – Update

For the Pastors and Priests involved in the Archdiocese of Pretoria,

The Archbishop has asked me to update you with the following:

  • Churches, Outstations and Oratories are CLOSED for public liturgy for the next TWO weekends.
  • Funerals are limited to 50 Persons and there are to be no gatherings after the funerals.
  • In the spirit of regulations – Baptisms, Weddings and other celebrations such as investitures and unveilings are not to happen.
  • The Disaster regulations are VERY strict about organising gatherings, making it a criminal offence to do so or to participate.
  • Please use every creative means at your disposal – livestream, Facebook, WhatsApp etc. to keep communities engaged.

Please also note that the CHANCERY is CLOSED until Monday 12 July.

Please register for the Vaccination if you choose to be Vaccinated – use this link – . Even if you are not over 60 please register. Those over 60 can get their vaccination as soon as they have their Reference numbers. The Over 50’s should be starting in this week. Please task your Pastoral Councils and Justice and Peace groups to assist those not good with technology to register – this assists in the enormous logistics of getting the right vaccines to the right place.

Diocesan Priests are urged to register on both the National Health Department Site and on Discovery Medical Aid.

The Diaconate Ordination scheduled for Saturday is postponed.

The Peter’s Pence Collection scheduled for this weekend is postponed to the first Sunday we return to Public Liturgy.

Let’s keep each other in prayer – this is getting very close to all of us. The Delta variant spreads very quickly. If you feel any flu like symptoms, please test as soon as you can so that you can be on the correct treatment protocols. Do not try to be a superhero!

Blessed Benedict Daswa – pray for us.

With every good wish,

Fr Chris Townsend