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Urgent: Level 3 Lockdown updates

This morning we heard the news that over 13 000 new cases of Covid 19 had been recorded in our Country in the last 24 hours. The President has put the Country into Level 3 Lockdown.

The disaster regulations are onerous, but we recognise that the intent of these regulations are to minimise social gatherings, limiting the opportunities for spreading this disease.

Pastors are asked to decide, after consultation with their Pastoral Councils or PPC executives,  regarding the following and to communicate the decision to their communities:

  • The best way in each local situation to ensure that the limit of 50 people present inside the building or the 100 people outside is observed.
    Parishes can choose to close for this weekend to ensure that systems and structures are in place.
    Where booking systems are in use, please ensure that the systems are not being monopolised by the same parishioners.
  • Whether Catechism programmes should continue in person or online.

Pastors and PPCs are encouraged to be prudent and creative.  Possible solutions are to Livestream masses (where the capacity exists), recording and then WhatsApp’ing homilies, extra Masses or other creative ways of keeping parishioners engaged.

As many schools have closed due to COVID 19 infections, please be particularly prudent with children’s gatherings.

At all times, Parishes must ensure that social distancing, facemasks and sanitisation protocols are observed.

Let us continue to ask the Intercession of Blessed Benedict Daswa for the end of this Pandemic.

Fr Chris Townsend
