About Us
Province of Pretoria
Patron: The Sacred Heart of Jesus and,
Mother of Good Counsel
Area: 16 579 sq. km.
Total Population: 4,057,862
Catholic Population: 225,000
Most Reverend
Archbishop Dabula Anthony Mpako
Appointed Bishop of Queenstown on 23rd May 2011, ordained on 06th August 2011. Appointed Archbishop of Pretoria and Military Ordinary to the South African National Defence Force on 30th April 2019. Installed 22nd June 2019.
Postal Address:
PO Box 8149, Pretoria
Residence: Garner House, 125 Main Street, Waterkloof, Pretoria 0181
Tel: 012 460 2452
E-mail: archbishop@ptadiocese.org.za

History of the Diocese
Bishop Jolivet, OMI, Vicar Apostolic of Natal, visited this distant portion of his vast mission and celebrated the first Mass in Pretoria on 8 June 1877. Later Lydenburg, Barberton, Pilgrim’s Rest and the Witwatersrand were visited and centres established. Subdivision of the Vicariate of Natal ensued and Pretoria and surrounding districts formed part of the Prefecture Apostolic of the Transvaal (1886), which became the Vicariate Apostolic of the Transvaal (1904).
By Decree dated 9 April 1948, the Vicariate Apostolic of Pretoria was erected and confided to the secular clergy. Rt. Rev. Bishop J. C. Garner, PhD, was consecrated Titular Bishop of Tracula, 31 May 1948, and appointed first Vicar Apostolic.
On 11. January 1951, Pope Pius XII established the Ecclesiastical Hierarchy in the Union of South Africa and set up the Ecclesiastical Province of Pretoria.
Prefect Apostolic John Colburn Garner – 1948 – 1951
Archbishop John Colburn Garner – 1951 – 1975 (Deceased)
Archbishop George Francis Daniel 1975 – 2009 – retired, Holy Cross, Cell: 076 168 1268, Email: archgfd@gmail.com
Archbishop Paul Mandla Khumalo CMM, 2009 – 2010 – retired, Mariannhill Monastery
Archbishop William Slattery OFM, 2011 – 2019 – retired, Mariannhill, Cell: 083 468 5473, Email: slatteryws@gmail.com